Thursday 15 January 2009


For the last few days, nature has given us a lot of winter fog here. There is a temperature inversion in the atmosphere, allowing the mountain peaks to be sunny and warm while down here at not so high elevations, the temperature has been staying cold in the fog. I love fog; I love how it changes the world in its own way, creating its unique mood. How it makes the world close in around you, reflecting the streetlights at night before plunging you into murky darkness in unlit areas. I remember one time many years ago in England, having to stop my car down a sidestreet as the fog was so thick that I couldn't even see out of the windscreen. It was necessary to get out to discover where the parked cars were; and yet only two roads away, the air was completely clear. Hiking up to the ski jump in Holmenkollen, Norway, only to stand right next to it and not be able to even see it; but still enjoy hiking in frozen foggy forest nearby. Despite its drawbacks, fog is beautiful, especially in winter with snow lying around. Yes, winter fog is best.